
News, tips and updates


Recently, Andrew Caska and Claire Laurent of Caska IP attended the annual Institute of Patent and Trademark Attorneys (IPTA) conference on the Gold Coast. This year IPTA provided a solid variety of business sessions including very useful sessions on trademarks, designs and patents.

Patent Attorney Conference

Patent Attorney Conference

Updates on Registered designs

We were privileged to receive an excellent designs session with respected patent attorney Des Ryan, who provided some good insights into what is considered claimed and not claimed subject matter in Australian registered designs with regards to the use of dashed or broken lines.   Often,   broken lines are used in the representations of registered design applications to indicate subject matter that is outside the scope of the design ( this approach is very commonly used in US design patents). However,  recent Australian case law has called this approach into question and as such great care now needs to be taken with the preparation of representations for registered designs in Australia.

Patents – Inventive Step

We were also privileged to be provided with a panel discussion around overcoming difficult inventive step objections. The panel included highly respected patent attorneys from the UK, the United States of America, China and Japan who provided detailed insights into the types of inventive step objections that are raised in their home jurisdictions along with tips on how to overcome these objections, and, most importantly, guidance on how to initially draft patent applications that are bound for these jurisdictions so as to be well placed when faced with a possible inventive step objection. We are now applying these new insights into all of our international (PCT) applications to place our clients’ inventions in the most favourable light on the international stage.

Chinese Patents with Caska IP

Caska IP has been securing Australian IP in China for a number of years and is now very well placed with a number of highly reputable and trusted Chinese patent attorney firms to secure our clients’ rights in China.

We also had the pleasure of making acquaintance with a large Chinese patent and trademark attorney firm (see photo above) who we have since been in contact with to arrange competitive rates for our clients’ to secure their intellectual property rights in China. Caska IP has been securing Australian IP in China for a number of years and is now very well placed with a number of highly reputable and trusted Chinese patent attorney firms to secure our clients’ rights in China. Accordingly, if you require assistance with any intellectual property protection in China, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Suits 6.01, 6/201 Kent Street,
Sydney, 2000
(02) 9191 7401


Ground Floor, 2 Dick Street,
Newcastle West, 2302
(02) 4040 9810

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Patent Attorney Sydney and Newcastle Australia